Characteristics of the treatment of varicose veins of the legs in men

There is a traditional belief that varicose veins are a female disease. Carrying a child and giving birth, preferring high heels, occupations that involve a long stay in an upright position, cause this problem among the fairer sex. But medical statistics show that the disease does not bypass men (especially over the age of 40) and is found in one in four cases to one degree or another.

Characteristics of the disease in men

Varicose veins of the legs in men, as well as in women, are characterized by noticeable changes associated with the processes of blood stagnation and the inability to drain from the limbs to the required volume. With the development of the disease, the veins acquire nodules, uneven appearance, protrude above the surface of the skin. This is due to the fact that the walls of the vessels with regular increase in the load on them become thinner, become less elastic, the inner lumen in them increases. The valves in the veins are not able to regulate blood flow. They lose their ability to close, causing reflux in the blood and part of its volume returns to the vessel, leading to even greater dilation.

This process is characterized as venous insufficiency, the further development of the disease provokes thrombophlebitis. Varicose veins often spread to the groin. The indicated dislocation of the pathology leads to congestion in the pelvic organs, obstructs blood circulation in the iliac and inferior vena cava. The appearance of vascular nodules in the groin worsens the sex life of the patient, provokes infertility in him.

Not every man can pay attention to the first external manifestations of the disease, so the doctor often sees a picture of the existing pathology, when the veins are already severely altered. The appearance of varicose veins in the stronger sex is caused by:

  • increased physical activity (work related to lifting and carrying loads, heavy sports, military service);
  • long periods of time when a person is sitting or standing;
  • overweight, malnutrition;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • abnormal structure of the vascular system due to genetic factors.

The causes of varicose veins in men are often related to the negative impact of addictions. Regular consumption of strong alcohol changes the functioning of the liver, which provokes the formation of blood clots. Smoking can cause vascular disorders that lead to the growth of varicose veins.

Stages of the disease and its symptoms

Pathological changes in the veins are quite a long process. Signs of varicose veins in men are observed depending on one of the three stages of the disease.

The first of them is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of fatigue in the legs, their swelling. Visible vascular star patterns begin to appear on the skin, they have a pink-red color. The subcutaneous location of the veins becomes noticeable - a bluish network called reticular varicose veins. A man notices cramps in the calf muscles, feels pain in the veins, characterizes it as throbbing.

smoking as a cause of varicose veins in men

The symptoms of the second stage are more pronounced, at this stage the patient consults a phlebologist. The patient may complain of many manifestations of the disease:

  • increased discomfort in the legs - pain (constant or intermittent), feeling of heaviness and fatigue;
  • there is noticeable swelling of the limbs;
  • muscle cramps become frequent, have a pronounced painful nature;
  • dilated nodes are clearly visible, dilated, can be felt by palpation of the tissue or visually;
  • dermatitis begins to develop, spots appear, their color can be of different shades - from brown to red;
  • the skin over the altered veins loses its sensitivity.

The last stage of varicose veins is decompensation. The man's constant companions during this period are the dangerous consequences of the development of the disease:

  • severe swelling of the limbs;
  • constant pain of an acute nature;
  • the appearance of varicose veins of considerable size, their picture looks like bunches of grapes;
  • skin changes due to the development of chronic venous insufficiency;
  • progression of non-healing trophic ulcers, the appearance of erysipelas, which can lead to sepsis.
bath for varicose veins in men

Methods of treatment

The choice of method for the treatment of varicose veins in men depends on the assessment of the patient's condition, the diagnosed stage of the disease. Modern medicine offers traditional or conservative and invasive treatments. Additional measures that can make the patient's life easier, reduce the onset of symptoms, is the use of traditional medicine.

conservative methods

In the initial stages, it is possible to treat veins in men with drugs, using several groups of drugs whose action is directed:

  • to strengthen the venous walls, giving them elasticity;
  • to combat the increased viscosity of the blood, reducing its thrombogenic ability;
  • to reduce inflammation.

External drugs increase the effectiveness of treatment - ointments or creams with anticoagulant properties. Regular use improves blood circulation in the problem area, fights developing thrombophlebitis and strengthens veins.

When prescribing drugs, individual characteristics are taken into account, as a person may have diseases of other organs. In many cases, the simultaneous use of anti-varicose drugs and drugs for the treatment of other pathologies is unacceptable.

elastic bandages for varicose veins in men

Invasive treatment

The disease in men often develops in a neglected, dangerous form and does not respond well to drug therapy. The development of medical technologies, their widespread use in clinics make it possible to choose a method of invasive surgery for almost every patient. The stage of varicose veins, the characteristics of the condition of the vessels and the general state of health determine the choice of surgical method. Patients are offered:

  • sclerotherapy sessions (the procedure should be repeated up to 6 times) - in the damaged area of the vein is injected regenerating drug that repairs damaged tissues;
  • laser therapy - the beam affects the problem area, destroying the node;
  • miniphlebectomy - the affected area of the vein is removed by punctures of small diameter;
  • ozone therapy - the gas is injected into a vein, has a restorative effect on small vessels.

Folk recipes

People have long sought to defeat varicose veins. Folk recipes are passed down between generations to improve the condition of diseased legs. At home one can use many natural remedies, but they should be used after consulting a doctor. Experts recommend tinctures for rubbing, which are based on alcohol and medicinal components - the fruit of chestnut or kalanchoe. Herbal decoctions are effective and can be used in two ways - for ingestion or as a base for foot baths or lotions. Herbs with anti-inflammatory and tonic action are chosen for recipes: nettle, oak leaves, twine or spores.

Patients use a wide variety of remedies, for example apple cider vinegar is used for therapeutic compresses. His choice is justified by antibacterial properties, vitamin composition and content of amino acids, trace elements.

Prevention of the disease in men

If you notice the first symptoms of varicose veins, you should consider changing your lifestyle. To prevent disease progression, you should use the recommendations:

  • conduct regular examinations of the veins, especially with a genetic predisposition to the development of their pathologies;
  • refuse heavy physical exertion;
  • change in the mode of motor activity;
  • give up bad habits;
  • establish a diet and drink that will help normalize body weight.

Supervision by a doctor, conducting various methods of treatment under his control, preventive measures allow a man to feel better, reduces the manifestations of dangerous varicose veins.